Supplements…to take or not to take? that is the question.

The supplement hype:

For those of us without a gallbladder, or with digestive distress can benefit from specific supplements. However, what all should you be taking??

First..It varies.. for me i take digestive enzymes for my non gallbladder self, magnesium for my bowels, l-glutamine, and probiotics. All very reasonable obviously.

Second..before i get to the definition of each supplement are you a healthy person considering paleo for weight loss? If so i personally wouldnt consider supplements. Why? Well for one why should you? Your healthy, unless you come into contact with constipation then magnesium would be considered i wouldnt worry about personal opinion however probiotics can benefit everyone

betain hcl – increases the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach necessary for proper digestion.

Lglutamine – can speed up the gut healing process, & reduce inflammation.

Magnesium – improves sleep, promotes digestion, and a natural cure fot constilation.

Vitamin e – get your skin looking healthy 😀

Vitamin d – bone health.. get some sun 🙂

Zinc – elevate your mood, improve athletic perfomance and stamin

Digestive enzymes – ever feel like your missing something?? You probably are digestive enzymes help break down the food you chew!

Fiber – eat your veggies no supplementation needed! No seriously eat your veggies. And berries 🙂

Calcium – strong bones dont always come from milk.

Probiotics – help restore bad bacteria with good bacteria. In the process of healing or not it is important that everyone take a proper soy, dairy, nut, and gluten free probiotic.

This is just a small list there are so many more supplements but here is just a tad and hope it helps. The links provided will guide you in the right direction.

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