Mickey Trescott’s Edited pumpkin spice cake




  • ¾ C arrowroot powder
  • ¼ t sea salt
  • 1½ C dates soaked in hot water for 5 minutes
  • 2T pure cane syrup
  • 2T coconut oil
  • 1T cinnamon


  • 3 cups canned pumpkin
  • ½ cup pure cane syrup
  • ¼ coconut oil
  • 2½ T unflavored gelatin
  • 1½ T cinnamon
  • ¼ t sea salt


  1. Grease your pan with either lard or coconut oil. Drain the dates, and place the crust ingredients in a food processor and process for a minute, until it gets really thick and sticky.
  2. Place your crust mix in your pan and bake in the oven for 20 min.
  3. Combine all of the filling ingredients, cold in a pot. Turn on the burner to medium heat, and begin to stir for about 10 minutes.
  4. Pour your filling onto the crust once its done baking and place in fridge for 3 hrs

    **original recipe here**






A Mothers Love

Typically my blog posts are on food, drinks, or my current progression in my diet.  But today is not about me.  Its about a special person who has helped lead me and inspire me to keep pushing forward no matter how much I want to quit at times.  I remember when I was in highschool, all I ever wanted to do was move out, away from mom and be on my own.  A typical senior in highschool thought process im sure.  Even though after 4 years of being on my own was great, it still wasn’t as great as the feeling of being at home surrounded by family and loved ones.  Throughout the 4 years I was away at college and doing “my own thing”, I learned a lot about life and all the crappy hard times it comes with.  Everything from loosing best friends, to loosing your “first love”, and making life choices all on your own with no one to tell you whether you made the right choice or not.  Regardless of what I was going through while I was away at college I always remembered one thing…Mom is just a phone call away.

“When life comes rushing at you out of the darkness who will you choose to face it with? Will it be someone you trust? Will they be wise? And will their love for you help them to guide you to the light, or will they lose their way in the darkness? Will they make noble choices? Or will that person be untested, someone new? Life comes rushing at you from out of the darkness. When it does, is there someone in your life you can count on – someone who will watch over you when you stumble and fall, and in that moment, give you the strength to face your fears alone?”

A mothers love for her child is a bond that will forever remain unbroken. 

This past year I have faced multiple challenges in life that I thought were impossible to overcome.   I have told myself I CAN’T do this, I DON’T want to do this anymore, I QUIT.  Every time I told myself these things, my mom was always there to say STOP.  Just STOP saying negative things.  The more you say them the more they become true, and before you know it they’ll become a reality.  Truth is I still think negatively at times HOWEVER, every time I do so, I ask myself what would my mom tell me? Would she agree with my negativity or tell me to stop thinking that way?  Simple just stop thinking that way and focus on something more positive.  

I guess you can say the reason why I am writing this is not only for mothers day but for the love that a mother gives her children regardless of how much they may forget their love is something to cherish. 

Being selfish is to be human.  It is only normal for us to think of ourselves and for ourselves at one point in our lives.  During these times is actually when more than likely you’re caught up in your social life or caught up in a relationship that makes you practically blind to what you should really be focusing on.  Which is the love of a family member.  When you think you don’t need anyones help or when you think you got it all made and your pretty much set to conquer whatever the future holds for you think again.  You can do it alone but I suggest think twice before you take the road the less traveled by single handedly. 

Family will always be there for you. They may disappoint you at times, fight and even argue with you, BUT they will never leave you.  A wise person once told me “you can chose your friends but you can’t chose your family”, and theres a reason for that.  You may not know that reason now but when you find out why the family you have was given to it’ll all make sense.  What I mean by that is..life will begin to fall into place, love, future goals and even future struggles. 

For me it was life and I will always be forever thankful that I have gone through serious hard times.  My mom tells me how it is, and doesn’t sugar coat it.  She’s real and has been through her own struggles and sad to say I have left her alone during these struggles at times, because I was caught up in my own social life and relationship.  And when I felt the world began to crumble beneath my feet she was there to keep me from falling, even when I didn’t deserve her love or compassion.  She stayed by me and accepted my wrong doings in life and never gave up on me.  She is and will forever be my mom and father.  She has played the mom and dad in my life and I see her as the strongest person in the world for being able to do so for me and my brothers. 


Out of all the people that actually read this..take it from me when I say STOP one minute a day and be thankful for the loved ones in your life because they are the ones who matter most, and sometimes you won’t realize it until you yourself go through something so difficult and horrifying that you look to them to lean on.  Take this mothers day to thank your own mother for being a mom.  A strong independent women who endures hardships in life and at times try’s to hide it from world by putting a smile on her face everyday no matter how she feels. 

“At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just now facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world. Six billion souls. And sometimes — all you need is one”.



Paleo Meatloaf

[Recipe inspired by a link i found on mickey trescott’s website]. Check it out!

Oven – 350
Time – 45 min.

1 package kelp noodles OR one head cauliflower rice
2lbs ground beef
2T basalmic vinegar
1T coconut oil
2 egg yolks (or sub with arrowroot powder / just omit)
2T fresh thyme
2T fresh rosemary
1T seasalt
1 zuchinni
1 carrot
1T chives
1T lemon or lime juice
4 strips of bacon
A handful of kale (yes i burnt it a lil lol excuse me and my imagination).



1.  Combine kelp noodles (drain and cut in water first), shredded zucchini, and shredded carrot in a saucepan with coconut oil and cook for 5-7 min.
2.  In a bowl while all that ^^ is cooking combine the rest of your ingredients in a bowl.  Make sure the beef is well incorporated with everything.
3. Once the ingredients in the saucepan are done heating up put the mixture of veggies in the bowl with the ground beef.
4. Thoroughly mix everything together with your hands. **HERE is where you may add in whatever else you think may go. :)**


5. Gently stretch and tuck in your bacon over the beef mixture as such.
6. Place in oven and let cook for time set.
7. Once done take out of oven and place it on broil while you DRAIN out the juice into a bowl.
8. Once all juice is drained place the meatloaf back in the oven for 7-10 min and let it broil in order for the bacon to get crispy.
9. Once done let it cool for 10 to 20 minutes and slice and enjoy!


much love


Paleo Turkey Baconator with Homemade Mayo

Ingredients: MAYO

  1. 1/2 c.  olive oil
  2. 1.2 c. coconut oil
  3. 1T lime or lemon juice
  4. 1/2T Apple cider vinegar or balsamic vinegar
  5. 1T mustard powder
  6. 2 egg yolks
  7. 1T Chives



  • Combine the coconut oil, olive oil, and lime juice together and stir for a bit. 
  • Place the two egg yolks, apple cider vinegar, chives, and mustard powder in a food processor and blend for roughly 30-45 seconds.
  • Once the eggs are well blended (with the food processor still going), SLOWLY pour in the oil mixture. Pour a little then let it blend..pour a little then let it blend..catch my drift? yes that SLOW.
  • After a bit itll start to become quite frothy and a little bit white. After youre done pouring all the oil in the processor let the mix blend on high for 30 seconds extra..and BAM! MAYO lol


Ingredients:  Turkey Baconator


  1. Package of fresh ground turkey
  2. 4 slices of bacon
  3. 4T Melted Ghee
  4. 2T Chives
  5. 3 little sweet peppers
  6. 2t sea salt
  7. 1/2 T honey
  8. Dash of lime juice
  9. Lettuce (as the bun)
  10. 1 Tomato




  • If you want crunchy bacon bits..cook your bacon first and let it cool.  **save the bacon grease for frying the burgers.
  • Combine all other ingredients in a bowl and thoroughly mix together.  GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY! 🙂
  • Add in bacon once its well cooked and crispy.
  • Cook in a good nonstick frying pan with bacon grease for 4 min each side on medium heat.


Much love



The perfect juicy crockpot chicken


For a long time I was cooking my chicken straight up PLAIN…I was at a loss as to what to put in the crockpot with it. Then I just felt like eating butter one day…


  • 1 small orange
  • 1 lime
  • 1T oregano
  • 2T honey
  • 2-3T pasteurized butter (I use kerrygold)
  • 1T coconut oil
  • 1/2T garlic salt
  • 1/2T cinnamon
  • 1/2T ginger
  • handful of chives

1.   Remove innards from the chicken.  You can save them or chunk em.

2.  Rinse your chicken well before doing anything else

3.  Put your crockpot on low and add in the butter and tbs of coconut oil

4.  Cut up the orange and lime in half.  Put half of the orange and lime in the chicken along with the chives and the other half squeeze the juice out of it and coat the chicken with it. 

5.  Add the rest of the seasoning to the chicken.. ** you can choose to put the honey in the chicken or on the outside..(I did both).

6,  Put your chicken in the crockpot on low heat for 7-8hrs.  Or just leave it over night 🙂







Perfect plantain chips


1 green plantain
1/4 c. Olive oil/Coconut oil
2t seasalt
2 cookie sheet pans
2 sheets of foil

Preheat oven 400 degrees

1.  Slice the plantain 1/8 of an inch..(as thin as ya can in other words)
2. Dip each slice in your choice of oil.
3. Place ea. Slice on the baking sheets with a lil space in between each chip and sprinkle with seasalt.
4. Bake for 10, & flip each chip. Then bake for another 10 min.
5. Afterwards let cool for atleast 15 min. And enjoy


Much love,


My personal Green Eggs and Bacon Breakfast <3



  • 3-4 egg yolks
  • 1c. Kale
  • 1c. Spinach
  • 1T Coconut Oil
  • 1t seasalt
  • 1t garlic salt
  • small handful of chives

1. place all ingredients in food processor for 30 seconds.  After the first 30 sec. make sure everything is blending by stirring it up with a spoon then letting it process for another 30 seconds.

2.  Place in your non stick pan for 2 min on med-high heat and flip.  Or you can just do scrambled and stir occasionally till the eggs are to your liking.

Much love


Supplements…to take or not to take? that is the question.

The supplement hype:

For those of us without a gallbladder, or with digestive distress can benefit from specific supplements. However, what all should you be taking??

First..It varies.. for me i take digestive enzymes for my non gallbladder self, magnesium for my bowels, l-glutamine, and probiotics. All very reasonable obviously.

Second..before i get to the definition of each supplement are you a healthy person considering paleo for weight loss? If so i personally wouldnt consider supplements. Why? Well for one why should you? Your healthy, unless you come into contact with constipation then magnesium would be considered i wouldnt worry about supplements..my personal opinion however probiotics can benefit everyone

betain hcl – increases the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach necessary for proper digestion. http://scdlifestyle.com/2012/03/how-to-supplement-with-betaine-hcl-for-low-stomach-acid/

Lglutamine – can speed up the gut healing process, & reduce inflammation. http://www.thepaleomom.com/2012/07/tpm-tidbit-my-experiment-with-l.html

Magnesium – improves sleep, promotes digestion, and a natural cure fot constilation. http://chriskresser.com/9-steps-to-perfect-health-4-supplement-wisely

Vitamin e – get your skin looking healthy 😀 http://chriskresser.com/nutrition-for-healthy-skin-part-3

Vitamin d – bone health.. get some sun 🙂

Zinc – elevate your mood, improve athletic perfomance and stamin http://chriskresser.com/rhr-could-copper-zinc-imbalance-be-making-you-sick

Digestive enzymes – ever feel like your missing something?? You probably are digestive enzymes help break down the food you chew! http://www.thepaleomom.com/2013/04/how-do-i-know-when-its-working-a-quick-troubleshooting-guide-to-paleo.html

Fiber – eat your veggies no supplementation needed! No seriously eat your veggies. And berries 🙂

Calcium – strong bones dont always come from milk. http://www.thepaleomom.com/2012/02/why-dont-i-need-to-worry-about-calcium.html

Probiotics – help restore bad bacteria with good bacteria. In the process of healing or not it is important that everyone take a proper soy, dairy, nut, and gluten free probiotic. http://www.thepaleomom.com/2013/02/teaser-excerpt-from-the-paleo-approach-probiotic-supplements.html

This is just a small list there are so many more supplements but here is just a tad and hope it helps. The links provided will guide you in the right direction.

Juicy crockpot beef round top steak

My first time cooking steak in the crockpot.   It for sure wont be the LAST!



  • 2T apple cider vinegar
  • 2T ginger
  • 1/2 lime
  • 1T coconut oil
  • 1T basil
  • 1T cinnamon
  • 1/4C. Water
  • 2t seasalt
  • 1/4c. chives




1)  Cut your steak into small bite size pieces.

2) Place steak into crockpot with all the ingredients listed.

3) Set on high for 4 1/2 hours or low overnight. 7hrs roughly and enjoy!


much love


Liver adventures? Organ style taco salad

My first time experimenting with liver wasn’t fun?…I could barely stand the smell when I pulled them out of the package.  But I threw some ingredients together and out came my version of beef liver taco salad.  Also, I have yet to jump on the organ wagon.. so here it goes.


  • Beef Liver
  • 1/4 – 1/2c. bacon grease
  • Hand full of chives
  • 2tsp seasalt
  • 1T ginger
  • 2 egg yolks (I like egg yolks a lot figured why not add them?)
  • 1/2 Lime
  • 1T Coconut oil


1) clean the beef liver first..GROSS yes it’s completely horrid smelling..but you’ll be ok 😀

2) Once its clean place beef liver in your food processor and grind until ooey gooey (about 30 seconds) and poor into a bowl

3) Mix the beef liver in all ingredients EXCEPT coconut oil and let it sit for about an hour….why? of course for flavor BUT also the smell will begin to deteriorate.

4) Use the coconut oil on your frying pan.  Place on medium heat

5) Add in beef liver let it sit for about a minute then begin to stir until browned. About 5 – 7 min.  ENJOY with my krusty kale avocado ❤

Overall the beef liver was GREAT.  I do think more bacon grease would give it even more flavor.  Excited to start eating more organ meat! GOOD STUFF 😀